Game Plan offers $2500 of subsidized mental health support to all Sport Canada carded athletes, non-carded national team athletes and their coaches. Learn more about our mental health education, tools, and resources below.
Connect with a mental health provider who knows sports by emailing the Mental Health Coordinator at [email protected].
Mental Health Indicators
Normal fluctuations in mood
Normal sleep patterns
Full of energy
Consistent performance
Normal social activity
Limited or no alcohol use or gambling
Nervousness, irritability, sadness
Trouble sleeping, nightmares
Intrusive thoughts
Tired or low energy
Decreased social activity
Regular but controlled use of alcohol or gambling
Anxiety, anger, pervasive sadness, hopelessness
Restless or disturbed sleep, recurrent nightmares
Low or no energy
Decreased performance, presenteeism
Social avoidance or withdrawal
Increased alcohol use, substance use, or gambling
Excessive anxiety
Self harm, suicidal thoughts and intentions
Unable to fall or stay asleep
No energy
Unable to perform duties, absenteeism
Isolation, avoiding social events
Frequent alcohol use, substance use, or gambling
Actions to Take
Focus on task at hand
Break problems into manageable chunks
Identify and nurture support systems
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Recognize limits
Get adequate rest and nutrition
Engage in healthy coping strategies
Identify and minimize stressors
Identify and understand your own signs of distress
Talk with someone
Seek help
Seek social support
Seek professional help
Follow healthcare provider recommendations
Regain physical and mental health
Who Can Help
Your Game Plan Advisor
Mental Performance Consultant
Mental Performance Consultant
Your Game Plan Advisor
Your COPSIN Mental Health Lead
Team, Family, or Treating Physician
Clinical or Registered Psychologist
Social Worker
Your COPSIN Mental Health Lead
Team, Family, or Treating Physician
Clinical or Registered Psychologist
Social Worker
Your COPSIN Mental Health Lead
Mental Health Strategy for High Performance Sport in Canada
Developed to improve mental health outcomes for all Canadian high performance athletes, coaches, and support staff
Considerations for Choosing a Sport-Informed Mental Health Provider
General considerations and tips for selecting the appropriate support to fulfill your needs and goals.
Mental Health Disorders Factsheets
Sport-informed mental health factsheets spotlighting ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Perfectionism and Sleep.
Individual Mental Health Action Plan
A resource to help athletes and their entourage proactively respond when their mental health is declining.
Mental Health 101 Workshop: Athletes
A two-hour workshop that provides athletes with tangible tools and strategies to support their mental health.
A fillable roadmap aimed to prevent mental health crises.
A guided workbook for athletes to plan for life after major Games or championships.
This educational resource highlights the role of coaches and staff in supporting athletes showing signs or symptoms of NSSI, SI and SAs.
CAC E-Learning Module - A Champion’s Mindset: Mental Health in High-Performance Coaching
This resource will equip coaches with practical knowledge of how to put the mental health theory they learned in MH 101, NCCP Basic Mental Skills and the CAC Mental Health in Sport into practice.
Guideline to assist in the stepwise return to the competitive and daily training environment following a mental health condition identified in the team environment or disclosed to team support members by the athlete.
Step-by-step flowchart to utilize when returning an athlete to sport after a leave of absence due to mental health.
Guideline for removing an athlete from the training and competition environment following mental health symptoms identified in the team environment or disclosed to team support members by the athlete.
Mental Health Decision Pathway
This resource aims to provide the tools to understand what procedure to follow when athletes exhibit specific mental health symptoms and behaviours.
Considerations for Choosing a Sport-Informed Mental Health Provider
General considerations and tips for selecting the appropriate support to fulfill your needs and goals.
Mental Health Disorders Factsheets
Sport-informed mental health factsheets spotlighting ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Perfectionism and Sleep.
Mental Health 101 Workshop: Coaches
A two-hour workshop that clarifies the role of coaches in maintaining and supporting their own and athletes' mental health.
This educational resource highlights the role of coaches and staff in supporting athletes showing signs or symptoms of NSSI, SI and SAs.
CAC E-Learning Module - A Champion’s Mindset: Mental Health in High-Performance Coaching
This resource will equip coaches with practical knowledge of how to put the mental health theory they learned in MH 101, NCCP Basic Mental Skills and the CAC Mental Health in Sport into practice.
Guideline to assist in the stepwise return to the competitive and daily training environment following a mental health condition identified in the team environment or disclosed to team support members by the athlete.
Step-by-step flowchart to utilize when returning an athlete to sport after a leave of absence due to mental health.
Guideline for removing an athlete from the training and competition environment following mental health symptoms identified in the team environment or disclosed to team support members by the athlete.
Mental Health Decision Pathway
This resource aims to provide the tools to understand what procedure to follow when athletes exhibit specific mental health symptoms and behaviours.
Mental Health Disorders Factsheets
Sport-informed mental health factsheets spotlighting ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Perfectionism and Sleep.
A guide to assist sport leaders in assessing needs and gaps in the area of personal and team mental health.
Organizational Mental Health Emergency Action Plan
A tool to help sport organizations plan for and respond to mental health emergencies.
Unsure which resources are right for you?
If It’s a Crisis
Go to the Nearest Emergency Room or Call 9-1-1
Suicide Crisis Line: Call or Text 9-8-8
If It’s Not a Crisis
Your Team, Family, or Treating Physician
Sport Informed Mental Health Care
Confidential support via the Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport. Email the Mental Health Coordinator at [email protected]
Your COPSIN Game Plan Advisor
Your COPSIN Mental Health Lead
Your Mental Performance Consultant
Abuse Free Sport
Call 1 888 837 7678
Wellness Services: Call 1 844 240 2990 or go to
Username: TeamCanada
Password: lifeworks
Kids Help Phone (up to 29 years of age)
Call 1 800 668 6868 or Text 686868
Hope for Wellness (Indigenous Peoples)
Call 1 855 242 3310 or Chat via
Substance Use Rehab Services
Call 1 877 254 3348
Trans Lifeline
Call 1 877 330 6366
Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy